<body> ENiARROL~♥ <body>
About Me

vague. [:

One Click Away

Friendster + Myspace + Multiply + Cyworld + Site + UP-SFC +


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Friday, April 01, 2005
Friendster Blogs
(Well what do you know, I do have something else to write about.)
Friendster, yep, the online networking craze, has taken it one step higher--with blogs. I, of course, immediately felt the need to get myself one, although I know that I would probably just post once or twice then forget about it. I hardly have enough time to post about my ever so uninteresting life! lol Besides, I also have short attention span.

This short attention span made me sign-up with a lot of email adds, blogs, and websites--and use them only once. I could remember that my very first email add was with teletubbies.zzn.com... (hey, but I wasn't a fan! I just thought they were cute, that's all.) and then I had this one about Pokemon, then about Fushigi Yuugi, I had accounts @pinoymail.com, @edsamail.com.ph, @i-love-cats.com, @owlmail.net, @hpfans.net, @everyone.net, @myownemail.com, @hotmail.com, @yahoo.com, @gmail.com, and others that I've forgotten already. As for my sites, they're not as many as my email adds, there are actually only two of them. One's got a .co.nr domain from Angelfire (enter at your own risk!) and the other one's from Geocities with a .TK domain(I'm not posting the link for this one.). Okay, so where were we? Ah, Blogs. Blogs, blogs, blogs. I have only three. One's at LiveJournal, the dumpsite of all my personality test results, and the other one, aside from this one at BlogSpot, is at Friendster.

Okay, so now, we've reached our topic: Friendster Blogs. Err........ couldn't think of anything else to say! haha! bye now.... April Fools! Anyways, here's my blog address: http://eniarrol.blogs.friendster.com/. Forgive me for my worthless posts... I'll be back for more.. Now, I must return to my life--or rather, to some poor imitation of it. Hehe. See you! ^^

Lorraine made this up at 1:49 AM